
How Long Were Adam And Eve In The Garden?

How Long Were Adam and Eve in the Biblical Garden of Eden?

by Janice
(Grandview, Mo.)

I am trying to determine how long or how many years Adam and Eve were in the Biblical Garden of Eden before they were cast out of the garden ?

Adam and Eve were probably in the Garden for a number of years together without any physical intimacy. After being cast out of the garden, reproduction was one of the consequences.

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Jan 11, 2013
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Time in the Garden of Eden
by: Christian

Based on the years stated in the Genesis account of births beginning with Cain, the son of Adam, it seems logical to suppose that Adam and Eve were in the garden about 75 years, more or less.

Adam was 130 years old at the birth of Seth, having already had Cain, Abel, and other (female) children. Since Cain and Abel were grown men and able to offer their own sacrifices, we must suppose that they were probably over 30 years old, possibly nearer to 60 years old. It is certain that they were old enough to be independently responsible to God for their obedience, which argues for their marriage and establishment of a separate household.

This age for Cain subtracted from the age of Adam leaves from 70 to 100 years of life for Adam to have lived in the Garden of Eden. It is certain that Adam could not have spent much more than that amount of time in this earthly paradise. It does not speak well of Adam and Eve that they would not remain faithful any longer than that, but then, neither do we.

The Bible does say that near the birth of the son of Seth that "men began to call on the name of the Lord" .

Dec 31, 2011
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Biblical Garden of Eden
by: Robert Marshall

In the first chapter of Genesis, God lays out His plan of creation. As He tells us about it, He is also speaking into existence all that He will create for the creation of man. It would be as though a mother and father are preparing for a newborn. Get the room ready for the new baby. Paint the room, buy cribs and clothing and other things for the newborn. God is preparing His room for the newborn. Chapter one of Genesis is the preparation chapter.

Chapter two is God doing what He said He would do in chapter one. We can see that there is no sin in the creation during this process. God breathed the breath of life into Adam. Adam was created from the dust of the earth. God later cursed the earth, so Adam who was from the dust of the earth was also cursed. God and only God can create man in His image. God knows good and evil, but only does good. Creating man in Gods image is a work in progress for man. Man was not in Gods image yet. Gods word says we do not know what we will become but we know we will be like Him, because we will see Him as he really is.

If we were created in Gods image, then why would we have to be changed. Because of evil. How do we know what good is, if we don't know evil. That is why God said, They are like Us, knowing good and evil. God has many attributes, mercy, compassion, forgiveness, and many others, Where would God use these attributes if we were perfect. God knew Adam would fail in his test of good and evil. He made a way out for man through Jesus. We are not yet in the image of God. Jesus death was only part of the redemption process.

We still must die for our sins, or be changed in the twinkling of an eye. When God is through with His creation process, then His plan will be complete. Then all who are given eternal life will be in the image of God.

Dec 31, 2011
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Time in the Biblical Garden of Eden
by: Henry

The fascinating and wonderful teaching of Scripture is that it is not a general history of the World. It is a history of God's dealings with His creations. We are not told many things, from what I read, because they are not important to the Restoration of mankind back to the image of God.

I do not believe that "time" as we understand it today existed before sin. That being the case, from our human reasoning,I don't think we could comprehend that period of world history.

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How Long Were Adam And Eve In The Garden?


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