
How Many Animals Are Killed In Zoos


Interesting Zoo and Aquarium Statistics

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The Clan of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) and it'due south accredited members impact conservation, research, education and more through their programs. AZA tracks statistics virtually zoos and aquariums, through the Annual Report on Conservation and Science (ARCS) and other fellow member surveys. Our members' dedication to beast care, conservation, and teaching connects millions of visitors to nature each twelvemonth and helps save species around the earth.

What percentage of animals are in captivity?

There are approximately 800,000 animals in the care of AZA-accredited zoo and aquarium professionals. It is nearly impossible to quantify the number of animals in the wild, making it hard to compare animals in man intendance to animals in the wild.

How many endangered animals are in zoos?

In that location are approximately 900 species classified by the International Marriage for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as Vulnerable to Extinct in the wild at AZA member facilities. AZA members are working to increment wild populations of species in our care through 117 reintroduction programs, including more than 50 reintroduction programs for species listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act at AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums.

How many different species of animals are in an average zoo?

There are approximately eight,700 species of animals across all AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums and AZA Certified Related facilities. The boilerplate medium-sized zoo has about 168 different species and the average medium-sized aquarium has almost 394 dissimilar species.

How many endangered species have been saved by zoos?

AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums accept collaborated on breeding and reintroduction programs that have helped save at least nine species like California condors, blackness-footed ferrets, Przewalski'south horse, gold panthera leo tamarins, American red wolves, and more from the brink of extinction.

What percent of zoos are not-for-profit?

Of the 238 AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums, 54 percent are not-for-turn a profit.

How much money do zoos spend on animals every year?

Depending on the size of the facility and the number of animals in their intendance, AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums can spend between $500,000 and $20 one thousand thousand (or more than) on animals every year. At AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums, funds aren't only spent on animal care. Over $230 million was spent on field conservation projects in 2019 and AZA's Conservation Grants Fund has spent $seven.7 million supporting over 400 conservation projects since 1991.

What is the biggest zoo in the world?

The biggest AZA-accredited zoo in the world past acreage is Toronto Zoo, encompassing 710 acres. The biggest AZA-accredited safari park is The Wilds encompassing over ix,000 acres. The biggest AZA-accredited natural habitat zoo is the North Carolina Zoo which is located on ii,600 wooded acres, 500 of which are developed. Overall, if you lot add upwards acreage, number of species, and exhibit sizes, the biggest AZA-accredited zoo in the world is Omaha'southward Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium. It has the largest true cat complex in Due north America, the largest nocturnal exhibit and indoor swamp, one of the world'due south largest rainforests, and 1 of the world'south largest indoor domes. The zoo likewise has over 960 species and is built on over 130 acres.

What is the biggest aquarium in the world?

The biggest AZA-accredited aquarium in the world is Georgia Aquarium with over 230 species and more than than 10 million gallons of h2o.

How many people does it take to run a zoo?

Each zoo or aquarium takes a unlike number of people to run information technology, based on the size and number of animals in its care. Approximately 198,000 jobs are provided by AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums. Zoos and aquariums apply professionals in the areas of animal care, maintenance and groundskeeping, didactics, invitee services and more than.

How much do zookeepers brand?

According to Glassdoor, zookeepers in the United States make an average salary of around $27k a yr and aquarists make an average salary of around $29k a yr. According to Chron, zookeepers make an average of between $19-$33 an 60 minutes depending on their status level and education.

How many animals dice from plastics every year?

According to the Body of water Turtle Conservancy, over one million marine animals dice each year due to plastic pollution in the bounding main. Read our Plastics FAQ to learn more about how plastic affects wild fauna and wild places

Learn More About Our Work

AZA is dedicated to conservation efforts all over the earth.  If yous're interested in learning more about our work, bookmark our Connect home page and follow us on social media to stay up to date with the latest data.


Karlyn Marcy is the Communications Program Assistant at the Association of Zoos and Aquariums

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